Minimum Wage increase Rant! (in-support)

   Why are people so upset about raising the minimum wage? Are people really afraid they’ll have to pay a few dollars more per year for cost? Its called inflation-– and we’ve been seeing that on a steady incline since the 80’s, while living/minimum wages have not kept up to this standard that’s why the middle class is practically non-existent now. If you give poor people a little extra money they will spend it probably on bills/rent/utility/food, give them a little more maybe they try and save a little of it,but more likely this is where it will start going back into the economy with them buying things they “want” rather than “need”. I don’t understand how people think giving poor people more fiscal freedom is going to be a detriment to society.

    Keeping wages low helps 1 “person” only and that’s whatever corporation is raking in record profits while usually destroying the environment, shipping jobs overseas, and finding every tax loop hole possible to avoid paying their fair share. Increasing wages benefits not only the employee, but you yes you, and the dickhole corporation that doesn’t want to pay(because people will have money to buy their shit). It Lowers taxes,(less default on loans,CC, medical expenses, govt. services). It increases the purchasing power of the economy. Corporations are against this because they would rather see the taxpayer (not them mind you) foot the bill for their employees whom have to supplement their income through govt. services(which you as a taxpayer are paying for). Happier, Healthier, and more Secure employees are what will help the economy grow and ultimately lower costs for EVERYONE! (BTW that’s how the ACA is going to work) ” However, the consensus view is that a long sustained period of inflation is caused by money supply growing faster than the rate of economic growth” -wikipedia. That money supply that’s growing faster than our economic growth is the multimillion and billion dollar company’s who try to pay as little taxes as possible and don’t want to increase the wage of their employees.This is what that fucking occupy movement was trying to be about, you can not expect prices to decrease when 1% of the population controls 99% of the wealth. We give banks and corporations way too much freedom and then turn around and say no my neighbor shouldn’t make anymore money, stop attacking the wrong people, stop with all the me me me, STOP VOTING AGAINST YOUR BEST INTEREST PEOPLE!

    I think whats really happening here is that the people that bought into the scam that’s called college are bitter because not only are they probably not making as much money, they are in debt and may not be able to find a job. If you could make $15 an hour at taco bell why wouldn’t you apply, there is actual advancement opportunities within these companies. People think they are better than “fast food worker”, I’ve got news for you working at a call center or filing papers or making appointments or working retail isn’t much of a “skill set” either people. Swallow your pride get over yourselves we’re all in this together, things will be much better if people ever figure that out.

Tweaking your brain nipples